Gospel Flat Farm, Bolinas, California, December 1st-December 30th, 2017

My siblings (and I) installed their show In the Church of Saint Anne (Sy Auerbach) and MIRAGE AND MIRROR (Melissa Schaeffer) at Gospel Flat Farm in Bolinas, California yesterday.

In the Church of Saint Anne is a series of prints in homage to the patron saint of lace, books, pregnancy, and grandparents. They were made at the Cowell Press in Santa Cruz, and most recently, the frames and letterpress wall labels were made in Sy’s print shop in our 1896 carriage house in San Francisco.

Sy made a driftwood sculpture in the space and it’s called Emblem. Saint Anne’s emblem is a door. It is also made of lace. 

These images of the first night of the exhibition (December 2017-January 2018) after the installation were taken by myself, Sy, and our mom, Darby, who photographed the almost full moon over the farmstand where we were installing.

Please come see the show.

Gospel Flat Farm

140 Olema Bolinas Road

Bolinas, CA 94924


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